A Dangerous Road [February 2nd 2017]
Traveling on the stagecoach to Deadwood, the posse ran into a holdup by notorious outlaw Sam Bass. All attempts by preacher Gus and muckraker Toni to settle the matter peacefully came to nothing when the hothead (and Hexslinger) Pierre unsuccessfully tried to intimated the outlaws and then started shooting. The shootout ended with Gus, Hunter and Tyler wounded, but Sam captured and the rest of his gang dead or fled.
The posse decided not to wait for the driver to fix the broken wheel and started walking towards Deadwood, hoping to reach it during the night. They took the other passengers along: Martha Bullock and her daughter Margaret, the family of store owner and sheriff Seth Bullock.

After nightfall the posse noticed a train suspiciously stopping on the nearby Iron Dragon tracks. Hunter and Tyler went to investigate and managed to observe a meeting between Iron Dragon rail warriors and a group of Indians. The Chinese were apparently delivering a cache of weapons. The Indians were apparently fewer than expected and Hunter overheard them telling of a group of "Ghost Dancers" they had noticed and were planning to attack.
Meanwhile the rest of the group ran into a lone wounded Indian by the name of Sky Hawk. As it turned out he was a Ghost Dancer, accompanying the prophet Wovoka on a visit to the Lakota. He told them that his party had been attacked by Ravenites. He had escaped to bring help, while Wovoka and his people where besieged in a canyon in the hills.

The posse was unsure whether they could help, seeing they were not in the best of shape and having Martha and her daughter along. Martha was confident she could walk the rest of the way to Deadwood alone, and the captive Sam Bass offered to escort her - but they didn't trust him. In the end, Tyler accompanied Martha and Sam, while the others headed into the hills to help the Ghost Dancers.
The found the site of the fight soon enough and managed to ambush the Ravenite war party. Many of the braves went down in Hunter and Pierre's withering crossfire, but the Ravenites' leader, a warrior called "Hoarse from Roaring", managed to reach Gus and Toni threatening to kill them with his tomahawks. But Bu stepped up and protected the two until all the other Ravenites were overcome. Then Wovoka emerged from the canyon and Hoarse from Roaring charged him. But the young shaman rooted him to the spot with a sudden growth of roots and vines and the posse and Ghost Dancers were finally able to subdue the brute.
Wovoka thanked the posse and invited them to the campfire to see to their wounds, while Tyler reached Deadwood in the dead of night, passing the ghastly sight of the dead bodies of scalped white men, tied to poles along the road.